Renewable Fuels & Feedstocks
Renewable fuels have long been viewed as a critical step in the transition away from Carbon-based fuels. Significant technological advancements have allowed producers to crack waste products from the refining of edible oils and convert these into clean burning fuels. These advancements have not come without a cost and the business itself relies heavily on subsidies to compete with conventional fuels.
The United States has implemented the Renewable identification numbers (RINs) which are credits used for compliance and are the “currency” of the RFS enacted by Congress.
The European Union has mandated that 32% of its energy needs come from renewable sources as of 2023. The EU Carbon offsets are one of the main incentives for the consumption of renewables.
China is already producing over 50% of its energy needs from renewable sources, a year ahead of schedule.
Fuel Types: In line with certain ESG’s, some of the major airline operators have signed on to using SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) to reduce emissions. HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) and SAF are the main focus now which reduce GHG, have a longer shelf life, and provide better performance in cold climates. Additional co-products like Renewable Naphtha and Renewable LPG are also seen as potential growth markets, however so far, the volumes are not really there.
With the growth in renewable feedstocks movements, has come increased pressure on the IMO 2 fleet with these products competing directly with Petrochemicals and Veg oils for capacity.
The Renewable Fuels & Feedstocks Team

Mark Mirosevic-Sorgo
Managing Director

Mark Mirosevic-Sorgo
Managing Director
Mark Mirosevic-Sorgo brings over 42 years of experience in the Maritime Industry to Quicannon.
Mark’s Maritime Industry journey began with his father who was a Shipbroker and arranged a pre-University gap-year position for Mark in Paris as a trainee where he was placed on the gas and chemicals desk. Mark jumped back into shipbroking after attending University, by joining a team of gas brokers in London. Apart from spot, contracts, and time-charters, Mark also handled S&P, and projects for major LPG and petrochemical companies.
After 17 years at the desk in London, Mark moved to Asia to which Quincannon Associates became a part of in April 2000. Mark has been part of the management team, as well as fulfilling his role as a chartering broker. Throughout the years as a broker, he also learned how to read and interpret the clauses of the various Charter Parties, and has been able to assist many clients to prevent and resolve issues.
In Mark’s free time, he loves spending time with Family and Friends. He has always enjoyed sports, both playing and watching, and he is thrilled to be still playing 11-a-side soccer for the SCC, and 15-a-side rugby for the Wanderers RFC, albeit in the over 40's/35's respectively.
O: (+65) 6533 0069
M: (+65) 9669 6587

Matthew Andrews
Partner, Shipbroker

Matthew Andrews
Partner, Shipbroker
Matt joined Quincannon Associates in 1996, after working as a planner and pricing coordinator in the container and roll-on/roll-off shipping markets. He is a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Marine Transportation program and spent 10 years in the U.S. Naval Reserve, focusing on Port Operations and Shipbuilding, where he retired as a Lieutenant Commander. Matt is experienced in the shipping and logistics for multiple chemicals, petroleum products, liquid fertilizers, vegetable oils, biodiesel, and its feedstocks. Throughout his 27 year career with Quincannon, he has participated in some of the industry’s largest projects such as the Dow Chemical Value Stream Work Process Review, the Dow Sadara Project, and the Equate Global Tender. He continues to be involved in all aspects of the business, from the arrangement of transportation for small parcels all the way up to the procurement process for major contracts.
O: (+1) 212-246-1894
M: (+1) 203-246-5985

Darry Lim
Chartering Executive

Darry Lim
Chartering Executive
Darry Lim came from a strong background in Operations and Chartering before joining Quincannon in 2020. Darry’s Maritime journey began at the age of twenty and has been fascinated by the industry ever since. He continues to pursue his passion for the industry and career further at Quincannon.
Darry enjoys spending time with family and kids.
O: (+65) 6533 0069
M: (+65) 9116 6559

Andrew Paganucci
Senior Ship Broker

Andrew Paganucci
Senior Ship Broker
Andrew Paganucci is an experienced Ship Broker, joining Quincannon back in 2013. Andrew, once a part of our headquarter office in New York then went on to assist in opening the first Quincannon office in Dubai. Andrew comes from a strong financial and operations background which has aided him in excelling as a Ship Broker for many years.
Andrew gained his B.A. in Economics from Rutgers University.
+971 (0) 54 722 0006

Daniel Villanova
Ship Broker

Daniel Villanova
Ship Broker
Daniel grew up in Massachusetts on the South Shore of Boston. He got his start in the maritime industry when he was recruited to wrestle for the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point. Upon graduation, he sailed in the US Jones Act fleet before transitioning shore side and working for Morgan Stanley’s Commodity Sales and Trading Division. In 2011, he joined the post fixture and operations department at Quincannon Associates and then quickly shifted into a commercial role as a Ship Broker.
Outside of work, Daniel enjoys spending time with his family and rescue Pitbull, Annie. He is a fitness enthusiast who keeps busy with strength and conditioning, jiu-jitsu, skiing and hiking.
O: (+1) 212-246-1689
M: (+1) 781-831-1133