Working With Quincannon Associates
Our Services Move You Forward
Quincannon Associates provides a variety of services that help businesses safely and cost-effectively manage their bulk marine logistics, including voyage chartering, ship sale and purchase agreements, demurrage calculations, port operations, logistics terminology, and ship finance, as well as provide consultation on marine insurance and legal matters. By partnering with Quincannon Associates, businesses can ensure safe transport of gas, chemicals and vegetable oils while meeting local regulations and maximizing profits through our knowledge of international maritime law and technological advancements in shipping. Ultimately, we provide essential services that make it possible for our clients to securely ship their goods while making the most of their profits.
Shipping Management & Logistics
Ship brokering is a complex field requiring expertise in the dynamics of the global freight markets, international maritime law, technological developments in the bulk marine space, and port & terminal operations, as well as a commitment to being prepared for the unexpected. Quincannon Associates' specialized maritime, legal, and logistics associates are experts in their fields who ensure that clients receive consistent and reliable services.

Custom Brokerage Solutions
At Quincannon Associates, we cater to each client's specific needs by offering custom shipping brokerage services. These services range from supply chain development, negotiating with carriers for the best rates, ensuring compliance with local regulations, and dispute resolution as well as helping to resolve unexpected delays or issues along the way. Our custom shipping brokerage services are essential for our clients in securing cost-effective and reliable transport while also meeting all necessary legal requirements.
Supply Chain Visibility & Insights
While working closely with our network of clients, surveyors, agents, and terminals, Quincannon Associates has unique visibility into the entire marine supply chain. Due to this, we are able to provide our clients with enhanced visibility into each transaction.

Learn more about our specialized & custom services